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Daily Essential / Vitamin Deficiency

MCT Oil Benefits
Weight Loss/ Metabolism

The Many Benefits of MCT Oil

MCT oil is an up-and-coming popular supplement that’s highly utilized among bodybuilders and fitness professionals. Coconut oil, which is a rich source of natural MCTs, and its varied uses has been a large influencer of MCT oil.

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Vaginal Microbiome and Fertility - Biomegil

The Vaginal Microbiome and Fertility: Biomegil

Women’s successful pregnancy relies on reproductive tract health and hormone balance, vital for egg formation, cycle regularity, and fertility. A balanced vaginal microbiome supports embryonic attachment and full-term pregnancies.

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Importance of Vitamin B12 during Pregnancy

B12 is Just as Important as Folic Acid During Pregnancy

Folic acid is a common supplement taken by women to support a healthy pregnancy and baby. But did you know that moms and their developing babies require more than one essential B vitamin? Learn why B12 is just as important as folic acid during pregnancy.

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Why Monk Fruit is a Better Sugar Substitute
Blood Sugar/ Insulin Resistance / PCOS

Why Monk Fruit is a Better Sugar Substitute

Monk fruit is a naturally occurring sweetener that has numerous benefits, including its use as a calorie-free sugar alternative. Interested in learning what else monk fruit has to offer?

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